Statement Of Faith

We are glad you are visiting our website and hope you make Praise Cathedral your church of choice. 

Praise Cathedral is full-service, loving, sharing and caring 
church that is deeply committed to enriching the health, welfare and emotional wellbeing of everyone that hears our messages or comes to our campus.  So when you come, we hope you receive everything you came for.

However, and more importantly, we pray that you do not leave here until you are satisfied with where your soul will spend eternity if your life on earth ended unexpectedly.

If you are not saved from your sins, please click on the How Do I Become a Christian link.  If you confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior as a result of your experience with this website, we invite you to participate in the next available altar call so someone can join you in prayer for your life, and commit to assisting you in becoming a disciplined follower of Christ.